Technical Attributes of Great Singers

The vast majority of great singers of all genres have certain vocal and technical attributes in common which, when correctly applied, are the foundation of excellent vocal technique:

  • Where the mind goes, the voice follows.

  • Breathe in only as much air as you need to sing the next phrase.

  • In order to achieve pelvic/laryngeal fusion, breath support must be anchored in the pelvic/perineal diaphragm.

  • A correctly produced vibrato is an enhancement of the fundamental tone, not the foundation of tone.

  • Eradicate the illusion of ‘up & down’/‘high & low’. The single most detrimental term which is widely used in singing and voice teaching is the term ‘high note‘. This term creates the illusion in the singer’s mind that the note really is ’high’. If a note is ‘high’ you have to ‘reach it’. In other words, a singer has to go elsewhere than where they already are to sing the note. This is a complete and total illusion. There is no such thing as a 'high' note, use the term 'fast' note instead, because the vocal cords are simply vibrating faster.

  • In order to achieve pelvic/laryngeal fusion for the support of ‘high’ notes, the jaw must generally be as far down as it can comfortably be.

  • The minimum amount of air must be passing through the vocal cords for the maximum effect. The cords must not be leaking any air unnecessarily. The ability to sustain a note or phrase for an extended period of time does not have so much to do with lung capacity as it does with air economy.

  • There must not be any unnecessary muscular involvement in the vocalization process.

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